Code Roulette

The idea behind this is to randomly pick a coding language and an application to implement using that language. There is no limit to what type of application made. The rules are:

Code Roulette #1 : Rock, Paper, Scissors in GW-BASIC


We had a few spins of the wheel, but had some technical difficulty getting the IDE for the selected language installed/running, finally it selected BASIC and we both knew we had that able to be run under we started. Troy did not have ability to record his own screen, so it is a mess to watch, but still interesting to see the two approaches.

Full Coding Video


Mark A. Malo - Final application was bug-free, looked nice, and coding logic (although way too many GOTO statements) was easily debugged.

Code Roulette #2 : COMING IN 2021!


We have added more languages and more projects to the Code Roulette system, new UI as well. Each participant will record their own attempt and then we will have a montage video as well as full videos of each of the coders.

